So, this is me joining in the blogosphere chorus to wish all current and potential readers a great 2016. Since I get the feeling that 2015 had more downs than ups for many folks, may that pattern cease for all of us and may we find that everything we hope for comes true. 2015 was busy and stressful for me, but had many positive moments and opportunities too. As I head into the New Year with a very eclectic schedule, my postdoc ending (but the analysis and write-up to continue), and continued uncertainty about where and when my next major job will be...yeah, that's where we are.
Nevertheless, as I reflect back on the good that came my way in 2015, I know I am fortunate. I had several great opportunities to conduct hands-on science outreach with Q?Rius, saw the release of my first publication from the PhD (in here) and moved others forward, and got to attend or chair panels in great conferences (Atlanta was fantastic, by the way. I learned so much and couldn't have asked for a better entrance into the world of Near Eastern archeology). New colleagues, virtual friends met in person, great Taiko drumming, exciting research and some new travel too.
Jobs continue to be applied for or waited on, and despite rejections, I remain optimistic that 2016 will bring me what I seek. In the meantime, I will be an adjunct professor at American University this spring (an introductory course in physical anthropology/archeology), possibly do some skeletal analysis and curatorial work at Catholic U. of America, and other part time work in and around the postdoc. So, let's see how this all works out.
This is not a resolution to blog more regularly. I've read more than once that if you try to change yourself specifically by making a "New Year's Resolution," you are psychologically more likely to lose resolve. I feel that positive change can not be forced, but has to happen organically or come because you want to, not because you feel obliged by the calendar.
So, I will keep blogging when I can about what interests me or current goings-on. You can find more regular antiquities trade and bioarcheology news thoughts and updates, copies of my papers as they are available, etc. by following me on Twitter @DamienHuffer and @FaintTraces or
So, life goes on. I am sure that 2016 will bring many adventures and exciting developments to share, and I wish the same for you. Life is always a work in progress and paths are often not clear. If you find yourself behind a veil, then may this be the year it lifts. Wishing you all the best.
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9 hours ago
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ReplyDeleteGreg Prosmushkin