Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Happy New Year!

No, those aren't belated Christmas offerings from me to you, dear reader. Instead, they represent yet another grim reminder of the kinds of small antiquities (some with human remains!) that continue to be trafficked in the Southeast Asian region, whether in Hanoi, where I took this photo (the Viet Culture antiquities shop), or even in countries "Down Under" themselves.

I post it as a promise of more active blogging in the New Year, during which I will eventually share more photos and on-the-ground information from my most recent time in Hanoi this past November, as well as launch into discussion of new themes, cases and ideas as they themselves "surface." When I can wrestle time from the PhD, job/post-doc hunts, contract archaeology (survival funds always appreciated...) etc. As always, I consider this blog somewhat "open-source," so feel free to shoot ideas my way and I'll give them due consideration.

Season's greetings and Happy New Year!